Wednesday, September 28, 2011

thredUp website

Hello there! omg, it's been a while since my last post! 
Of course! baby boy is keeping me busy everyday, I been dealing with breastfeeding and believe me it's not easy being a new mommy and not having my family close to me to ask for advice.
I been loving my new life and I try to cherish every moment because I know that when I least expect it, time will pass by and memories are just going to be that, just memories. 
I been feeling kind of nostalgic when I see that baby Sebastian is been outgrowing his clothes super fast. 
Newborn or the 0-3 mos. clothes won't fit him anymore, omg!
He is 1 week and 2 weeks now and weighting 12 pounds. He is a very healthy guy, growing by the minute. 
Another thing is that because he is outgrowing clothing very fast, thanks to a FB friend, I found this FUN website for moms and dads where you can exchange kids clothing and even toys online. There is also boxes with maternity clothes and 
I have already given it a try and I swear you will love it like I have.

  1. When you sign up, you are immediately sent the priority mail flat-rate boxes you’ll need to swap with.  These boxes have sticky flaps so they close EASILY!  It’s really no-hassle.
  2. You’re given one or two free picks (boxes) when you sign up so you can get started picking a box right away!  Search by brand, age, gender, size, and keyword and find exactly what you need/want.
  3. When you find a box you like, you click on “Pick and Pay” and pay for shipping only and $5 goes to ThredUP.  That’s $15.95 for a box full to the max of nice clothing!
  4. When someone picks your box and you’re ready to send it, the shipping is FREE for you (the picker pays).  It automatically schedules a pickup from your house!  You just print a shipping label, tape it to the box, and leave it outside your door to be picked up.  I love that it’s that easy – I would never do this if I had to mess with shipping and go to the post office.
  5. When you receive your box, you rate your experience so people shopping will know what kind of quality clothes and toys the sender has.  Up to 10 “Stylies” (how much you loved the style and cuteness of the clothing) and up to 4 “Stars” (the quality and state of the clothing).
  6. Every time you send a box, you get another “pick”.

I been crazy about thredUP for a while now to the point that every free time I have, I am always going thru boxes so that I don't miss any good deals.  I really reccomend you mommies and daddies out there to visit this website. You will love it as much as I do.  

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