Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Hello world!

OH my God! I been neglecting my blog ! Where have I been all this time? Well, as part of me being a mommy and dedicating and spending time with my son, my work schedule has changed and is been hectic! While I've been gone, my life has suffered a lot of changes, from sleep schedule, to healthier eating habits, and learning ways to educate my son the smartest and better way. I joined a mothers group which has helped me tons in my journey as a new mommy. 
My work schedule has changed drastically from afternoon to now working from 10pm to 5am. oh God! And my son is now almost 10 months! Can you believe it!? almost 1 year old! I remember me posting about my baby shower and look at me now! Posting about my baby boy not being a baby anymore! One of the exciting news I want to share with each one of you is that we joined the awesome idea of cloth diapering and I can't be any happier!
 We are almost done breast feeding (my goal is 1yr old) and now doing this cloth diaper thing is making me feel every day of how secure I feel about choosing the best ways to raise my son. From feeding, to everything involving his well being. I am back and with even more ideas, product reviews and ready to share more experiences as a new mommy. 
Remember to follow my blog and PLEASE leave me your comments below!! 

 Much Love, 
:: Brenda ::

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